American Made O-Rings

Not all O-Ring products are created equal. While O-Rings may seem like an afterthought, they’re actually essential components you can’t skimp on.  A lot rides on each O-Ring you purchase and put into place. If one O-Ring fails, you could be looking at damage that can shut down an entire operation or application, and even put your workers in danger.  In short, you need to choose your O-Rings carefully.

Whether you realize it or not, the vast majority of standard O-Ring products purchased here in the US, even those purchased from US based “manufacturers,” are actually manufactured and sourced outside of the United States.  While overseas manufacturing has certainly improved over the past decades, you still too often hear of unauthorized material substitutions or poor quality from these anonymously sourced products.

At Vanguard, we don’t do low quality O-Ring products, and we don’t do outsourcing or offshoring.  Our philosophy always has been and continues to be to offer cost competitive alternatives to these outsourced products while maintaining and advancing the quality reputation we have earned over the past 45 years.  All of our O-Rings products, whether standard or custom, are made right here in the USA.  You know what you’re getting when you buy from us. All of Vanguard’s O-Ring products are made in our ISO 9001:2008 certified facility and can be custom formulated to meet your exacting mechanical properties, color needs, and resistance demands. Whether you need food grade, MIL Spec/Aerospace Grade, or ASTM D2000 certified O-Ring products, skip the overseas manufacturers and rely on Vanguard. Unlike so many factories abroad, we don’t thrive on anonymity: we have nothing to hide! We stand behind everything we make. It is simply not worth risking your money and time to take any chances with your O-Ring requirements.

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