Elastomers are a popular sealing material known for their unique ability to return to their original shape. These high molecular weight polymers exhibit characteristics such as exceptional heat resistance, flexibility (even in low temperatures), and high impact resistance. Depending on the application, these polymers can be modified to exhibit little plastic flow and rapid, nearly complete recovery after extension or compression.

When selecting an elastomer manufacturer that has the capabilities to meet the requirements of a specific application, key factors to consider include:

  • Customization capabilities
  • Material expertise
  • Quality certifications
  • Responsiveness to customer needs

This blog will discuss the importance of choosing a quality elastomer manufacturer and guide you through the selection process, highlighting key questions and considerations. 

Importance of Choosing Quality Elastomer Manufacturers

Reputable silicone rubber factories can often provide customers with a responsible service attitude, good product quality, and prices in line with market conditions.

When choosing elastomer manufacturers for your production needs, partnering with a professional technical team with a strong silicone industry background is imperative. Reviewing their company website is the best way to initially assess a supplier’s capabilities, though it can be difficult to find this information as not all silicone factories will openly address their core technologies and services. Manufacturers at these facilities typically have vast knowledge and experience in processing raw materials and can offer innovative suggestions that can indirectly save time and money on customer development.

Quality elastomer manufacturers also implement various tests on polymers to assess and verify their properties. When modifying a high molecular weight polymer without additional diluents or plasticizers to reach an essentially non-plastic state, it must be tested at room temperature and meet the following criteria to be considered an elastomer:

  • It must be able to stretch to approximately 100% without breaking.
  • After stretching to 100% for approximately five minutes, the material must be able to retract to within 10% of its original length within five minutes of release.

It’s important to note that extremely high modulus/hardness materials are still considered elastomers, even though they typically do not exhibit these properties.

How to Choose Elastomer Manufacturers

Supplier selection is the same for all companies at the basic process level. The purchasing department researches potential material suppliers based on external or internal information, creating a shortlist of potential options. It then analyzes the selected manufacturers, crossing off those that prove unworthy and choosing a supply partner that best meets their specific criteria.

The second phase of evaluating suppliers can prove more challenging for plastics and rubber processing due to the low standardization levels for these materials. Depending on their specific compositions, both elastomers and plastics exhibit a vast range of properties. Although certain types of silicone and other materials are considered standardized products that many suppliers carry, these may not be suitable for all applications.

Additional Questions to Consider

Consider the specifics of your application, from the operating environment to existing marketplace conditions:

  1. Confirm where and how the part will be used. How will the part be transported and stored?
  2. What will the part be located next to? Consider the environment the part or seal will operate in (including possible exposure to gases, fluids, pressures, contaminants, temperatures, etc.).
  3. What are your performance objectives for the part, including the duty cycle and life span?
  4. What is your product worth in the marketplace? Are your performance objectives achievable at the market price?

Reach Out to Vanguard Products – A Top Elastomer Manufacturer

With over 50 years of proven industry experience, Vanguard Products consistently delivers the best products for your needs. As a full-service manufacturing and engineering company, we offer a comprehensive selection of molded and extruded seals, gaskets, and tubing, and we are ISO 9001:2015 certified to ensure the utmost quality and performance. We will work to deliver the best elastomer products for your needs.

Contact us or request a consultation today to learn why Vanguard Products is a trusted partner for elastomer manufacturing.

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