Join Vanguard Products at 2015 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal Integrity

Keeping Interference at Bay Next week, from March 15 – 20, 2015, Vanguard Products will be attending the 2015 IEEE Symposium at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. The event, which is themed “Keeping Interference at Bay,” aims to provide the most current information about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing and signal integrity. […]

New Certification to Add Value to Our Ultra Vanshield Sponge Product Line

Vanguards Product Corporation has stood true to its name. With cutting edge innovations in the field of high-quality elastomeric goods, it has always set industry precedents in terms of usability and safety of its wide range of products. Dealing in both dense and sponge elastomeric forms, the myriad Vanguard products give new definitions to sealing, […]

Ultra-Vanshield Gaskets: The New Standard in Shielding Success

Virtually all high-speed connector applications, as well as the industries which rely on them, have evolved dramatically. The technology is very advanced, and therefore, so are the challenges and requirements. As a result of these changing needs, Ultra-Vanshield Dual Elastomer EMI/RFI Shielding Gaskets are quickly becoming the standard for high-speed electronic connectors. Their design and […]

Reshoring Manufacturing: Why It Simply Makes Sense

According to a survey earlier this year[1], 26% of the nation’s employers plan to reshore jobs by the end of 2014; companies from Apple to Ford to Walmart are once again investing in America, returning their business to U.S. soil. The trend is known as reshoring, and it’s taking on momentum in a major way. […]

We’re Hitting the Road – Past and Future Trade Show Success

As a manufacturer, there’s a lot more to being successful than simply producing quality products. Of course that’s a huge aspect of it, but it’s not everything. In order to be truly successful and provide the most value to your customers, it’s critical to get out there, interact with your industry peers, and constantly learn […]

Vanguard Knows: Hearing (clearly) is Believing!

If you have ever been to a concert or sporting event in an arena or outdoor stadium, you know how important a quality sound system is. If you cannot hear the music, or the announcer, it can ruin a long planned and oftentimes expensive outing. When it comes to size, these systems are often massive […]

Providing for the Public Safety: Elastomeric Seals and Shielding

At Vanguard, we serve a variety of industries with our expertise in elastomeric goods.  One industry we are particularly proud to be a part of is different applications of products for public safety.  For places where dependable and durable elastomers and reliable sealing are necessary, our products are one of the tools that these customers […]

Sealing Solutions for Winter Weather

If you’re like most people, once Thanksgiving hits, we know that the winter months are finally here, and the need for “winterizing” the house heads to the top of the to-do.  Hopefully you’ve already taken some preliminary steps to save on energy and heating bills, and make your home cozy for the colder months.  One […]

Vanguard Products Goes to Broadway

Out of all of the different places that you might expect to find our products, we bet we have an example of one place that will surprise you:  the set of a Broadway play.  That’s right – a few years ago, Vanguard was contacted by a set designer for a big project for the set […]

The Implications of Air Quality

Air quality is a widely used metric in a variety of portions of our lives. Its composition, particulates, and purity are all of concern for several applications – weather services regularly measure the air in a variety of ways to gather information about our atmospheric conditions and pollution levels; hospitals monitor the quality of the […]